Interview Ready
or $397 (AUD) with the purchase of any other Service.
Increase your worth with our interview skills & confidence
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Master the art of the interview
- Get answers to the most difficult interview questions
- Confidently and professionally position yourself for higher salary offers
- Manage nerves
- Effortlessly communicate your skills and abilities
- Provide higher quality answers
- Insights to why your previous interviews have failed. The feedback is rarely the full story!
- Know how to build respect and rapport with an interviewer
Interviewing: yet another essential life-skill they didn’t teach you at school!
How you communicate your experience is often more important than your level of experience. That means people with less experience can beat their competition. I will teach you how to communicate your experience in a powerful and compelling style.
Have you experienced any of these when interviewing?:
- Interview Nerves
- Difficulty answering interview questions
- Worried about the quality of your answers
- Coming in second place
- Concerned abut memory lapses mid interview
- Talking to much in interviews off-topic
- An interviewer having to repeat their question to you
- Not getting the job when you know you are capable
- Struggling to negotiate salary and not wanting to risk asking for too much
Why I can help improve your interview
- I have reviewed over 70,000 CVs, resumes, Linkedin profiles and portfolios
- I have conducted over 5,000 interviews
- I have offered Jobs to over 650 Candidates
- I’ve recruited for 27 years, as HR & Recruitment Manager, agency recruiter and hiring manager
- I have managed teams of over 100
- I have ran recruitment campaigns in and recruited from, the USA, UK, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand
- I have recruited all levels, up to executive, for contract and permanent roles
- I can apply my winning formula to profiles at all levels of experience